Pick one healthy habit you have (for me – flossing!). Ok now give me a virtual high five.
Next, what is one unhealthy habit you have? (Forgetting to brush my teeth in the morning… it’s a good thing I always keep an extra toothbrush in my bag! – my failsafe for my unhealthy habit).
Sometimes we do things out of habit (good or bad) and don’t stop to re-evaluate them. Stopping to acknowledge and check in every once and a while, allows you to make sure your habit is still serving you. No matter what type of habit we have, it usually sticks because it’s meeting our 4 basic human needs. Check out Tony Robins explanation of what’s driving your habit and how to change, if you want to.
I’d like to share with you some of my healthy habits, and things you might want to consider – “food for thought” perse.
This week consider this…
- How long can people live without food/nutrients? Weeks, maybe months, years for people who are anorexic…
- How long could someone live without water? Couple of days…
- How long could someone live without oxygen? Minutes… seconds…
So, in order of importance, when you are stressed or feeling unhealthy, first take 5 deep breaths, then drink some fresh water, then nourish yourself with delicious and nutritious food.
This weekend and into next week, I challenge you to take 5 deep breaths – before you stuff your face with more food, or drown your stress in another drink 😉
Just some food for thought…
Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.