Two days ago, I sat next to a beautiful waterfall with vibrant colors, the meditative sound of rushing water and the smell of fresh air.
All this would have been wonderful to enjoy but I couldn’t help but mainly focus on all the bugs that kept landing on me. DANG IT.
Swat. Twitch. Swing.
Why is it our instinct to jerk and fling off bugs that land on us?
I think it’s a reflex because we are used to feeling certain things (like clothes on our skin) but when something with little feet start to crawl across us, our survival brain says, “This is a change and change can be a threat; so GET IT OFF OF YOU!”
Yes some bugs bite or sting but the mass majority aren’t harmful.
So I sat there… trying not to immediately jerk when several bugs landed on me. I decided to let my conscious brain take over and let my survival, reactive one rest for a bit. I focused on being in the experience of them landing on me. Then something amazing happened.
I started laughing.
I realized the bugs’ tiny little feet (especially compared to mine) actually tickled me! I also was able to study a live fly closer than I ever have before AND IT WAS FASCINATING!
I thought “Wow, God is so creative, just look at all the animals, bugs and creatures living here on this earth.”
Suddenly instead of annoyed, I was fascinated. All because I took the time to stop my reflex, acknowledge and be with what was happening, then come at the situation with curiosity rather than frustration, annoyance, or anxiety.
What’s been bugging you lately? Can you stop the reflex, acknowledge, feel, and be, then approach with curiosity? You’ll be amazed at what new opportunities present themselves. That’s my challenge to you this week.
I invite you to share your own story by commenting below or shoot me a personal message. I know it’s not always easy to stop and feel what’s been bugging us, but know you’re not alone.