Many baked goods & desserts seem to be either vegan (egg and dairy free) or gluten free (using rice, almond meal etc as a substitute). Very rarely do I find one that is both (glairy anyone?). As a person, that has an intolerance to both gluten and dairy, I’ve been on the search for some yummy treats that
Smooth Smoothies
Smoothies are one of my favorite things to make in the summer time. They are easy to take on the go, and it reminds me of being a kid. They’re great for breakfast, afternoon snacks, or after-workout energy boosts. In my last post, I spoke to electrolytes and which foods naturally contain more than one
“Fahew! that was a sweaty one,” I said as I looked down at the puddle beneath our spin bikes. My friends and I had just finished a spin class at i.d. gym and were in serious need of replenishing our electrolytes. Gatorade? Powerade? SmartWater? VitaminWater? What does one choose? My instincts told my friend Erin, who was ready