Don’t be concerned about eating less of something, just eat it slower. Some people when they are feeling unhealthy, overweight and bad about themselves, think, “I’ve got to stop eating cookies/candy/my favorite chocolate bar/icecream/chips/______(insert your food vice).” Can you relate? However, if you deprive yourself and say “no cookies, no cookies, no cookies,” I bet all you can
Health Coaching
Bone Health Part 2
Bone Health Part 2 Last week I had you consider that perhaps you don’t need more calcium for your bones but more magnesium and vitamin D. If you missed that email, go here. Your body can’t use calcium to strengthen your bones unless you also have magnesium and vitamin D to assimilate it properly. I’m
Bone Health Part 1
You don’t need more calcium in your diet, but more magnesium and Vitamin D. There’s actually an over abundant push for adding calcium into your diet. I’m sure you are familiar with “you need calcium for strong bones.” But you don’t hear much about needing more magnesium or vitamin D for strong bones. Studies have
When Stressed & Unhealthy Do This First
Pick one healthy habit you have (for me – flossing!). Ok now give me a virtual high five. Next, what is one unhealthy habit you have? (Forgetting to brush my teeth in the morning… it’s a good thing I always keep an extra toothbrush in my bag! – my failsafe for my unhealthy habit). Sometimes
When you have a Mental Melt Down
It came on Wednesday morning at 10:19am. I was stressed and overwhelmed. I didn’t get enough sleep, I couldn’t find my favorite earrings, I didn’t have the correct documents for the DMV, I went to the wrong DMV, I couldn’t find the address, I ordered the wrong smoothie, where I wanted to eat wasn’t open,